Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Spring Going Out - little black dress… pink beads & tired ramblings

Tonight I’m tired, today has been my first day back at work after the Christmas/New Year break & having to get up early this morning has now really caught up with me. I have however managed to sew some beads onto the little black dress I started over the weekend. The dress looks sharp & I’m quite sure I will have achieving one of my goals in looking like I’m wearing a dress that no one else is.


Tonight I’ve also been thinking about why I started this project and have come to the conclusion that really it wasn’t just to “make clothes”.  I want to be able to find a style for myself, for a long time now I’ve been a confused shopper. I love so many very different stores from Top Shop to Ted Baker, from All Saints to Miss Selfridge, from Gap to Pringle, which I guess many of you will probably be able to say, BUT now I’m making my own clothes I can take the bits I want from each of the brands and merge them into one, so eventually I will find MY STYLE.

Another good reason making your own clothes is that they will inevitably last longer than those run up in 10 seconds by someone working in a conveyer belt type of clothing factory.

So this will mean that in the end I will be using less energy, fabric, resources etc to clothe myself then making myself environmentally friendly (not really something I’ve ever thought about but let’s call it a by product of the process)!

Thinking about making your own clothes yet!?!….

PS - I’m not thinking about making anything other than clothes. I love my classic Ted Baker handbags & the will continue to carry my life in for years to come & the beautiful Ted Baker purse which sits in my bag every day will not be replaced for years, but when I do need a new purse or handbag I will be going to the shops!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for visiting and commenting!
    Love the layout of your blog, and your gorgeous purse
    UO x
