Sunday, 2 January 2011

Spring Going Out - little black dress with a twist

We spent New Year’s Eve in the new club Public on the King’s Road in London, we had a great night. When I arrived I found myself looking around the dance floor at what everyone was wearing & I realised that all the birds were in dresses.  I NEED MORE DRESSES!

So in hang over recovery mode yesterday I decided that I would make a little black dress with a pink twist, while lying in my messy state I remembered that I had just recently bought the fabric I need for this dress.

A few days ago I went back to my fabric shop to buy some more of the fleece I had made my grey track suit bottoms from because I want to make another pair but when I was there I saw some black animal skin patterned fabric which I had to buy.

Today I got up feeling like I needed to get on & make… so I’ve made a simple dress with French seams (because the fabric is pretty much see through) & gathered bits on the shoulders of the sleeves.


I’m also going to add some beads & some pink netting to make this a bit more of a fun dress (also I want the dress to go with my new bright pink nail varnish!).

I’ve had enough of sewing for today, I need to get out & have a walk & some fresh air. 

Let me know what you think of the dress (I know it looks v long a the moment but it will shorten when I've added a hem).

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