Friday, 11 February 2011

Yellow is an AWESOME colour!

I’ve only had one yellow top in my whole life, I hardly wore it because I felt I had to have a suntan to look good in it, I have however changed my way of thinking... You don't need to have a suntan to wear yellow!

Its changed my mood just working with yellow fabric over the last few days while the weather outside has been so grim. I’ve made what is a very simple dress with the patterned yellow stretch jersey fabric.  I’ve decided that I need to put some extra panels in the front of the dress to “dress it up” as I really can’t see me being able to add any extras to this dress, apart from maybe the bright pink netting (this is different netting to the pastel pink on the flowery blue dress), I’m going to sleep on what I do next & work further on the dress tomorrow.

I’ve also been working on a pair of checky shorts, these will be the short bit of a skort (skirt with shorts under) these will be for golf.  The fabric is so soft it’s a pleasure to work with & will be lovely to wear - go out feel some brushed cotton - you will know what I mean J

It’s the weekend… bring on the sewing…

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